Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Bryce Denny.
Hi, my name is Bryce Denny. I take train photos whenever I have the chance. Most of my photographs are taken in Northwest Louisiana, so they feature a lot of Kansas City Southern and Union Pacific. We also have regular visits of trains with CSX and Nortfolk Southern power, and there is a BNSF-KCS coal unit train that makes a daily (or more) appearance in Shreveport.
I have photographs of virtually every KCS locomotive that has been in service over the last five years. Slowly but surely, I am going to post one of each locomotive in my albums. Hopefully, I will have good, unobstructed shots of each locomotive, but sometimes I will post what is available on the harder to find locomotives. My older photographs were taken with less than stellar equipment and when I really did not quite know what I was doing, so older pictures will be of lesser quality.
I am occasionally assisted by my photographic assistant, who occasionally appears in photographs. There are somewhat in the tradition of Railroad Magazine, which featured the occasional lass in railroad photographs.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my site. I can be reached by email at bryce@brycedenny.com.
If you plan on visiting Shreveport for some railfanning, send me an email. I will be glad to be your "native guide" if I am available.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!